I normally don't do "blogging" on here, it usually a press release for a client and i did the year in review. but I have to say a few things about how DISGUSTED I am with media outlets and the Chris Brown situation.
here are some facts as of today:
*The story has changed at LEAST 10 times since the first day
*Chris brown was arrested (turned himself in!) on CRIMINAL THREATENING not ASSAULT!
*Neither CB nor Rihanna attended the grammys.
That is the ONLY FACTS right now everything else is JUST A RUMOR! STOP FEEDING INTO THE BULLSHIT! Wait until facts come out. SEE IT FOR YOURSELF!!!DONT BELIEVE THE HYPE!
By our hip hop websites FEEDING off the RUMORS you are making OUR CULTURE LOOK STUPID! Stay to FACTS that is JOURNALISM! WE are not playing TELEPHONE here!
Second issue I have is with Kiss FM from Cleveland.
From E! to MTV they have been one of the first stations to ban all CHRIS BROWN SONGS. Instead of stating facts they have as well FED into the RUMORS, and creating thier listeners to believe in what they are saying as fact.
I got a few questions for KISS FM-
When Rick Ross was accused of setting up an assault on DJ VLAD did you ban rick ross?
When Michael Jackson was accused of touching little kids did you ban his music?
When Brandy was accused to have KILLED someone in a car accident did you ban her music?
and for artists FOUND GUILTY-
When Shyne was sent to Jail on gun charges did you BAN his music? (i love shyne by the way!)
When Mob Deep member Prodejy was sent to jail did you ban his music?
When Young Buck assaulted a Core DJ did you ban his music?
When Beenie Seagal when to jail did you ban his music?
What about T.I?? (who i love as well) he looking at 30 years! are you going to ban his music? when his arrest was made public did you ban his music?
So why Chris Brown?
WHY NOT RIHANNA shes "supposedly" involved in this situation as well.
What are your numbers that bad you need to forget in this country its INNOCENT until PROVEN GUILTY?
You could have just sent out a company memo inhouse confidential that stated not to play his music and left it at that, but instead you make a huge statement as if people listen to your station?!
and to those that don't know about cleveland and arent here:
* I work in cleveland, play in cleveland AND NEVER HEAR ABOUT ANY OF YOUR EVENTS and SEE YOUR STATION NO WHERE IN THE CITY! The hip hop scene belongs to 107.9fm and even the college stations before kiss FM!
* I work in cleveland, play in cleveland AND NEVER HEAR ABOUT ANY OF YOUR EVENTS and SEE YOUR STATION NO WHERE IN THE CITY! The hip hop scene belongs to 107.9fm and even the college stations before kiss FM!
And I wonder-
if someone took the time to get your ENTIRE staff list, would NON of them come back with records, would not 1 of them have an assault charge? HMM....
and for all you suckas out there believing what the crazy ass rumor media is feeding you then look at this and wonder!